Aisha doesnÃt make a very good soldier. Actually she might make Sad Sack look good. And her commanding officer, Sergeant Krumpke isnÃt exactly a model trooper either. She is summoned to his office to answer for some of her latest slack and sloppy conduct. Unfortunately for Aisha, Sergeant Krumpke has been hitting the bottle, before she arrives. The Sergeant, bolstered by a few glasses of Scotch, takes a draconian approach in disciplining his subordinate. After a series of strokes to the poor privates thrust out bottom, he commands her to clean up the office. Aisha shows her disdain and disinterest for the army by tapping into the SergeantÃs liquor booty instead of following orders. Caught red handed with her feet on the desk, and a mouthful of Scotch, the Sergeant is both furious and soused. He follows his initial discipline routine with a long hard battering to the Privates bared bottom, making her regret the army even more. Spurred on by the sight of AishaÃs reddened cheeks, the Sergeant finds duties more fitting to the wayward and insubordinate soldier under his command. Aisha appears to perform these rather well.